Living at Home

Housing Options

You may have lived in your home for many years or even decades. It may be the family home and too hard to leave but if it has become unmanageable or you are only using a small part of it, is it time for a move? What are the options?

Your options may include one, some or all these things: Staying put, Moving. Renting. Selling. Downsizing. Sharing your home or moving in with family


There may be support that enables you to stay in your own home but if a move has been decided then consider other options for example – moving in with family, a home share scheme or shared lives agreement, down-sizing, or a more appropriate type of property. If you are thinking about moving into a Care Home please see our Choosing a Care Home Checklist on the Choosing Care page.


Housing Options

Renting may be your preferred option but often there are questions about how the rental income will be taken into account for a means test or how a shortfall between your income and cost of care could be met or what are the tax implications. If you would like advice please contact us.

Selling Your Home

It may be that your home just seems too big or has become too much to manage, you may like to move closer to family or move into more suitable accomodation. Often when people move into a care home they believe that they will have to sell their home or be ‘forced’ to sell. Selling your home may seem very final and it is your choice. Take your time and seek advice before making any hasty, ill- informed decisions as there may be other options

Equity Release

Housing Options

If you are responsible for your own care costs or have chosen more care, a preference of accommodation or luxury services you may be considering using the equity in your home to pay for it. While you are living at home and over a certain age there may be two main types of product available to you.

Home Reversion – you sell part or all of your home in return for a lump sum or regular payments.

Lifetime Mortgage – a mortgage is secured on your property but you retain ownership.

If you are moving into permanent care there may be other financial products available.

Care Fee Annuity

An immediate needs annuity, care fee annuity or care fee plan is an insurance product designed to cover the shortfall between your income and the cost of your care for the rest of your life. Paid to a care provider it can have tax benefits and can be arranged to begin with immediate effect or be deferred for an agreed period.

Before you borrow against the equity in your home, remember that while it is your main and only home or the home of those closest to you, your property will often not be taken into account during a means test and if the NHS is responsible for your care costs it will not be considered an asset either.

Deferred Payment Agreements

A Deferred Payment Agreement(DPA’s) with a Local Authority enables you to defer or delay paying some or all of the cost of their care (in a care home) until a later date. It is a way to prevent people from having to sell their home in their lifetime to meet the cost of their care.

Find our Deferred Payment Agreement guide in the library

Before making potentially life changing decisions with what may be your main or only asset a Care Funding and Benefit Check can ensure that the types of care and ways to pay have been fully considered. If you are using your own funds to pay for care, specialist care advice will make sure you aren’t paying more than you can afford or should be for the support you receive, identify state contributions to delay wealth depletion and avoid a move later on. Please get in touch.


Yes if it belongs to you and you are not gifting it to avoid paying for care or receive a benefit. It is advisable to get some help to understand the implication to gifting your assets and if  you would like advice on ‘Deprivation of Assets’ please get in touch

Equity release can be a good idea and may help you make home improvements, pay for the costs of care at home or help a loved one but it isn’t suitable for everyone and may affect means tested benefit and Social Care entitlement. If you would like advice on care funding then please get in touch

There are advisers and organisers who are able to help you move and help you plan a move and consider all of the options before making a life changing decision. Please get in touch if you need some help.

Moving into a care home won't necessarily prevent you from falling but it may make sure there is someone around to limit any injury or time left unattended. If you are looking for care for someone who is at risk of falling please get in touch to consider the options and care needs.

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