Life Is Too Short To Not Try Things
Life Is Too Short To Not Try Things

Life Is Too Short To Not Try Things

You must have come across too many grandchildren or children who play videogames, day, and night. Have you ever wondered why they like it so much? Shirley Curry, 85 also known as ‘Gamer Grandma’ has amassed a YouTube following of over 900k followers.

Shirley Curry - Life Is Too Short

Shirley Curry enjoyed playing videogames after her son gave her a game to try at the age of 65 year. Struggling with loneliness and mental health, Shirley Curry found her peace in her own little virtual world. Skyrim is an open world game where you can create a character and experience the entire world by completing mission and side quests and enjoying the sense of accomplishment.

Shirley Curry shared a couple of videos of her playing the game and posted them to YouTube. Following certain gaming groups and posting them together caught the attention of many viewers as a wholesome content. In fact, the gaming community of Skyrim liked her so much that the next game releasing for Skyrim will dedicate a character for her. But she not the only one.

Hamako Mori

There is another notable lady in her 90s who has been playing video games for over 40 years in Japan. She is known as the oldest youtuber in the world, her name is Hamako Mori. Hamako Mori mentions “playing video games is better than watching TV, at least you’re using your brain to solve a problem in the game”

What started as a curiosity from her children, she decided to join them and learn how to play the game with them. Now she beats her own children in the game. Like Shirley Curry, she posts most of her videos on YouTube and has over 300k subscribers on YouTube. After receiving the Guinness book of world record for being the oldest content creator on YouTube. Spending almost 7 to 8 hours daily playing videogames she said,

After living for this long, I feel more than ever that playing games for this long were the right choice. I am truly enjoying my life — it’s rosy”,

Thank you for reading this weeks blog, Life Is Too Short To Not Try Things. 

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Saved us nearly £200k
Saved us nearly £200k
SC, Leighton Buzzard
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It is a weight off my mind
It is a weight off my mind
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I didn't know my sister could get funding
I didn't know my sister could get funding
FH, Brackley
“Until speaking with Care NavigatorsI had no idea my Sister could get a benefit for being disabled. She had some savings and I presumed we would have to pay for everything we needed. It has made such a difference to her, she uses it to pay for a cleaner and a gardener, which means I can get the shopping and go out.”
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Finding Good Care
NM, Whitchurch
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I didn’t have the worry or stress
I didn’t have the worry or stress
SD, High Wycombe
“Care Navigators knew all of the care providers in my area and I didn’t have the worry or stress of ringing round and not knowing what to ask” Dad is home with a live-in carer and we spend our time together instead of me running around and getting nowhere fast. Thank you”.
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